Pride Slips In

>> Friday, July 6, 2012

It starts small, even cute (according to some). The more you feed it, the bigger it gets. It grows to a size where your friends and family express concern that it could be dangerous, but you shrug it off and don't think much of it. It seems harmless enough to you.

Then, one day...

it consumes you.

No, I'm not talking about the large furry felines you see at the top of this post, although they do provide an excellent visual aid for the subject matter at hand (thanks, kitties!).

Perhaps you were forced to adopt an independent, survival-oriented, self-sufficient lifestyle as a child in order to survive. Perhaps you were born with a natural bent towards an independent, self-reliant attitude. Whatever the reason, it is now operating out of choice and habit. It's hard for most of us to come to terms with this; we tend to live in denial of our pride, which makes it difficult to spot in ourselves

We don't like thinking of pride as a sin - a sin that is so easy to slip in to our lives without us taking much notice. It starts small and gets bigger every time we feed our egos, our self-worth, our feelings of complete independence... you name it. The larger it gets, the harder it is to control. Before you know it, you can be caught in the overgrown jaws of your own pride. 

An independent spirit says, "I can take care of myself;" "I want to do it my way;" "I don't need anyone." It's telling God He isn't needed when we literally cannot live without Him.
For in him we live, and move, and have our being ... for we are also his offspring.             {Acts 17:28}
 God calls this independent spirit pride. Pride is the greatest obstacle to humility. Pride tells you that you can live without God's help and leadership. Pride willfully opposes God. Pride willfully makes the choice to "do it my way." Pride doesn't want to depend on anyone, including God. Pride feels self-sufficient, "I can make it on my own!" Pride focuses on my pain, my needs, my desires, my expectations,... me, me, me. Pride centers on self. Pride is an obstacle to knowing God, listening to God, and loving God.
When pride cometh, then cometh shame: {Proverbs 11:2}
 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: {Proverbs 14:3}
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. {Proverbs 14:12}
The LORD will destroy the house of the proud: {Proverbs 15:25} 
 Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: {Proverbs 16:5}
  Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. {Proverbs 16:18}
  A man's pride shall bring him low: {Proverbs 29:23} 
Take some time to evaluate your lifestyle (you may want to seek the help of a mentor or parent). Is it focused primarily on others and their needs, or is it focused primarily on you and your needs? How has this pattern of living affected your relationship with God?

Ask God to open your eyes to the sin of pride in your life. Remember: "it's not about me."


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