Clarifications About This Blog

>> Friday, August 10, 2012

There has been some confusion about the nature of this blog: why I started it, what it is, what it isn't, why I write the way I do, etc. Hopefully this post will shed some light on the confusion so you all have a better understanding of "Thoughts from a Fellow Traveler."

Why I Started This Blog

I have wanted to be a blog author for many years, but wasn't sure what kind of blog I should have (ie. what I should write about) until this past June. After much thought and prayer, I decided to create a blog where I would share what the Lord is teaching me through His Word, church services, random happenings, life events, conversations, etc. I'm not naturally inclined to share what the Lord is teaching me, even though I know I ought to be, so pairing my love of writing with my spiritual walk seemed like a good idea to help me learn to be more open about sharing lessons the Lord has taught me and/or is currently teaching me. 

What This Blog Is

This blog is, as its name implies, simply thoughts from a fellow Christian traveler making her way through the journey of life. I often share events, verses, sermons, videos, and song lyrics that have given me food for thought, have taught me something, have reminded me of truths I learned previously and/or have encouraged me when I needed spiritual encouragement. I share these things with the intent to encourage, help, and strengthen my fellow Christian travelers' walks with the Lord.

What This Blog Is Not

This blog is not meant to be an avenue for me to share every little detail about myself, my life, or my opinions. It is also not meant to show off my theological prowess or my design/writing abilities. I know I am not what I ought to be, "but by the grace of God I am what I am" (I Cor. 15:10). If I do share something personal - for example, this post recounting how God provided a job for me - it is with the intent to give glory and praise to God for how He is working in my life and to encourage others through it. I am not being paid to write these posts, nor am I being paid to share resources from ministries, organizations, artists, authors, or other writers that have been helpful in my spiritual life. 

Why I Write the Way I Do

I have always had a very direct and highly structured/organized writing style. I don't like beating around the bush or filling up white space with a bunch of fluff or flowery words that mean nothing. I feel that it's a waste of your time as the reader and a waste of my time as the writer. My style tends to be what I call "journalistic" - start off with a brief introduction to the material and/or the background behind the subject at hand, cut to the chase as soon as possible and close with a brief recap of what was said with possibly a few words of application or admonition. I usually include an invitation to the reader to share their thoughts or additional insights in an attempt to encourage discussion and feedback. My writing is not intended to be read as a lecture or a conclusive, end-all analysis of the topic I'm writing about. I didn't graduate from college with a degree in Bible or theology. I don't claim to know everything there is to know about God, His Word, or the Christian life, because I don't.

 I understand that everyone has their preferences for writing style, organization of content, amount of  the author's personal material, amount of deep theological and/or philosophical content, etc. There are many different styles of writing and methods for organizing content. I am not saying my way is the only "right" way to go about writing about spiritual things. This is how my mind tends to organize content when I write. My posts aren't perfect; they are simply the imperfect record of the experiences of a sinner saved by grace. My prayer is that God can use that imperfect record of this sinner's experiences to minister to other sinners, both those who are saved by grace and those who have not accepted that grace yet.

I hope that helps sort out some of the confusion. 

Will you please take a moment to tell me what your thoughts are about this blog in the comments below? (Please be considerate as you word your comments.) I value your input and would like to know how I can better minister to you through this avenue.


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